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How to Provide Excellent Delivery Service

Anyone who works with sales through e-commerce knows that offering a good delivery service to the customer is essential to guarantee their satisfaction and consequent loyalty.

Understand why shipping is so important for the growth of your online store and how to guarantee its quality.

How to Provide Excellent Delivery Service

Role of delivery in the growth of e-commerce 

With over 33% of the world’s population shopping online, eCommerce is now a $6.8 trillion industry and will reach the $8 trillion mark by 2027.

2.77 billion people around the globe are making online purchases from dedicated eCommerce platforms or Social media stores.

Also, research shows that  21% of retail purchases will take place online in 2025, which is the highest to date.


Souce: Statista

The number of online shoppers will increase to 2.86 billion in 2026, reflecting the boom in eCommerce due to the increased internet penetration and convenience.

Given this scenario, it is essential that virtual stores think about shipping services, looking for logistics partners to handle the increase in demand.

With consumers eager to receive their orders in the shortest possible time and growing competition, e-commerces of all sizes and segments are trying to diversify their delivery service, looking for carriers and professionals who offer solutions that guarantee more agility and lower costs.

The delivery of products and services is decisive to guarantee a positive customer experience and prevent your business from being burdened. Therefore, being aligned with your transport partners to ensure efficiency at this stage is very important. 

Understand the delivery advantages for your business

3 Ways to have a quality delivery service

When we talk about a great delivery service, we are not just referring to delivery of goods, but to the process that begins with the freight quotation and order fulfillment.

Before purchasing something via e-commerce, the consumer gets a shipping quote, and the value and delivery time determined are crucial factors in the purchasing decision.

However, one aspect that positively influences the consumer is the quick quote and information provided about the shipping service. 

Check out some actions that help generate trust and please the customer.

How to set shipping costs in e-commerce

Provide a tracking code

Enabling the customer to track delivery progress is essential for him/her to feel safe. 

This also contributes to reducing calls to your support team opened by people eager to know about their order.

When using a specialized delivery service, you have access to a tracking code, which allows your clients and your company to monitor the shipment in real time.

7 Advantages of tracking orders in e-commerce

Guide the customer

All information regarding the delivery service can be sent to the customer via email. 

For better customer service, in addition to basic data, such as the delivery person responsible for the order and tracking code, guide the buyer to check the goods upon receipt.

Give instructions on how to proceed if there is any irregularity or damage and what to do if there is a problem with delivery, such as goods sent incorrectly.  

When you feel that the store “is by your side”, the customer feels more secure at the time of purchase.

Respect the delivery deadline

The main obligation of a quality delivery service is to meet the shipping deadline

To make sure this doesn’t fail, provide the customer with a slightly longer deadline, ensuring that your company has flexibility in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.

If a major problem occurs and the delivery ends up being delayed, contact the customer immediately informing them of the incident, apologize and thank them for understanding. 

A good marketing strategy to keep the customer calm and satisfied and offer a discount coupon on your next purchase.

Provide the best delivery service and retain your customer


Having a defined shipping strategy, with competitive prices and reliable delivery partners makes your e-commerce stand out from the competition.

Who manages well e-commerce logistics can offer shipping at lower prices and shorter delivery times. This ends up increasing customer satisfaction and has a positive impact on sales, which tend to rise.

With a focus on providing a quick and secure delivery service, Delivery365 app is an e-commerce application that connects your business to a base of hundreds of registered delivery people.

Specialized in fast shipping for e-commerce, the app Delivery365 has everything you need to create your online store with ease and start selling products and services right now.

How to create a service delivery

To learn more, visit our website, learn about our solutions and guarantee an excellent delivery service for your customers.