The article theme must be related to our service area: Delivery of products and services, E-commerce, Shipping, Fast delivery, selling online, etc;
The theme and the key words of the article must be previously defined and accepted (MOST IMPORTANT);
The content must be original and unpublished, must be at least 1,200 words, organized with title and subtitles (according to the pattern of our blog) and sent in Google Docs;
Also, the link must always be relevant to our readers, leading to content, not directly to a sales page, as our goal is not to advertise other businesses;
We do not accept direct mentions of companies and the services they provide. Again, we emphasize that our objective is not to advertise other businesses;
We will review the submitted content and insert relevant links to our blog and website;
After approval, we publish the text and translate it into Portuguese and Spanish, as we also operate in the foreign market;
We DO NOT mark the post as sponsored content as we also do not credit the author;
We do not work with PayPal, we generate a link via Stripe that can be paid with any card.
The inserted links will be kept for a period of 2 years. We do frequent audits on our blog and after that period the link may be removed or not.
IMPORTANT: We do not publish copied content or content that has not already been published on other portals. To guarantee this, we use tools such as Copyscape.
The link must be approved in advance, as we have restrictions (adult content, casino/crypto/CBDOil, etc). Also, links must always be relevant to our readers, leading to content, not directly to company pages, as our goal is not to advertise other businesses.
The inserted link will be kept for a period of 2 years. We do frequent audits on our blog and after that period the link may be removed or not.
If the inclusion of an extra sentence is requested to support the anchor word, the amount charged will be US $110.
We do not work with PayPal, we generate a link via Stripe that can be paid with any card.
Fill out the form below with the correct information and our team will contact you shortly.